What Services can APIs be integrated to?

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What Services can APIs be integrated to?

There are currently two sets of APIs that can be integrated, they are Data Retrieval and Pre-Identifier Services.

The Data Retrieval Service is a GET service used to retrieve captured data from our database to your own database. Data that can be retrieved include the textual details captured, the fingerprints captured (in base 64 encoded bmp format) and the pictures captured (in base 64 encoded jpeg format).

The service is very flexible and can be retrieved in any combination – any of textual, fingerprint and textual or a combination. All that needs to be done is to put a true or false flag in the GET instruction for all three categories.

The Pre-Identifier service suite is a POST service that includes the Add, Delete and Update Pre-identifier.

Add Pre-identifier is used to add pre-identifiers to a project in bulk. Users will need to specify the account and project it is for, and send an instruction containing the pre-identifiers and can optionally specify the agent that the pre-identifier is assigned to.

Delete Pre-identifier is used to delete pre-identifier in bulk. Note that a pre-identifier that has been used cannot be deleted.

Update Pre-identifier is used to change the assignee of a pre-identifier. This means changing the agent/admin responsible for capturing a pre-identifier to another agent/admin.